Candy Crush Friends Wiki
Candy Crush Friends Wiki

Lives tab

Lives are an element of Candy Crush Friends Saga. They appear in the top-left corner in a small red heart. When you first download the game or resume playing after 2.5 hours, you will have five lives. You can never have six or more lives.

If you have one or more lives, you can select a level and a character and play that level. If you fail or quit the level, you lose a life. On the first failure, the timer starts at 30 minutes (30:00). Whenever the timer reaches zero, a life is regained. If you run out of lives, you will be taken back to the map with a dialog box indicating you are out of lives. When this happens, you must wait no shorter than the time remaining on the timer before you can play again, or spend gold bars to get a full set of lives so that you can continue playing immediately. You can occasionally regain a life via in-game rewards.


  • Although there can never be more than 30 minutes on the timer at any given time under normal circumstances, the countdown on the timer used to be displayed in HH:MM:SS format, so 25 minutes remaining was displayed as 00:25:00, instead of 25:00 as in previous games.
    • This was fixed in a September 2019 update, so the timer is now displayed in MM:SS format, so 25 minutes remaining is now displayed properly, as 25:00.
  • The maximum amount of time it can take to refill lives is 150 minutes (30 x 5 = 150), assuming the player does not get lives from friends or events.
  • Lives are a recurring element in the Candy Crush series.
  • The player loses a life even if they force close the tab or app before quitting or failing.
  • From March 30, 2020 through April 5, 2020, inclusive, the player was given 24 hours of unlimited lives from King (limit of one reward per player). This is the champaign of King and WHO to help encourage all our players to #PlayApartTogether, which promotes awareness of safety and social distancing guidelines during the coronavirus pandemic.